Teachers Bungalow Set Ablaze By Mentally Challenged Man At Nkyenekyene

An unknown man, believed to be in his mid-60s, is in the grips of police after he intentionally set fire to an 8-bedroom bungalow that houses teachers of Nkyenenkyene Presby Primary School in the Kwahu South Municipality of the Eastern Region.

The heinous crime was committed after he broke into the bungalow, ransacked their rooms, ate their food, and stole their belongings.

The security man on duty at the Nkyenenkyene health center, which is directly opposite the bungalow, saw the fire and ran to the community to sound the alarm.

It took the community members several hours to douse the fire, but unfortunately, the rooms of two teachers were completely burnt, while the contents of two others were partially burned.

Speaking to Afia Agyeimaa Budu,the teachers stressed that, all their belongings have burnt to ashes and it will be difficult for them to stay in the town and therefore appealed to individuals,

Non- Governmental Organizations and government to come to their aid and support them with accommodation, mattresses, TV sets, clothes, cooking utensils and more to help them stay in the town to continue their teaching.

Some of the community members expressed shock at the actions of the accused and further pleaded for support to rebuild the teachers bungalow.

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