A devastating rainstorm swept through Assin Nua-Nua Fantse Junior High School in the Assin South District of the Central Region, destroying the school block and leaving students without a classroom.
The strong winds that accompanied the rain ripped off the roof, causing extensive damage to the building, including cracks in the pillars and walls. Furniture and teaching materials were also left exposed to the elements.
He emphasized that the situation has severely impacted teaching and learning, and urgent attention is needed to address the issue.
Mr. Komladza stated that the damaged block was beyond repair and appealed to the government, regional minister, and Assin South District Assembly to build a new JHS block for the school.
Honourable Timothy Sakyi, Assemblymember for Assin Adiembra-Nuanua Electoral Area, outlined the measures being taken to address the situation and reiterated the appeal for support.
Story by Kwame Owusu Asante Shadrack, Rich FM Assin Fosu