Sekondi MP-Elect Blay Nyameke Armah Begins “Lighting The Streets” Campaign

Barely two weeks after securing a decisive victory over the incumbent MP for Sekondi, Andrew Egyapa Mercer, the Member of Parliament-elect for Sekondi,

Blay Nyameke Armah, has launched a campaign to restore streetlights across the constituency.

The initiative, dubbed the “Lighting the Streets” campaign, is part of the processes outlined by Lawyer Blay Nyameke Armah to make Sekondi great again.

The effort comes in response to longstanding concerns over the lack of functional streetlights on major roads in Sekondi, including European Town, Anafo, and the stretch linking Bakano through to Nkotompo.

The issue of non-functioning streetlights in Sekondi is a major concern for safety and security, as many parts of the city remain in total darkness at night, leaving residents vulnerable to crime.

Motorists also struggle to navigate these streets, especially along the main beach road to Sekondi.

Earlier this year, the dire state of Sekondi’s streetlights was highlighted, with many principal streets captured in complete darkness, posing risks for pedestrians and drivers alike.

Speaking on behalf of Lawyer Blay Nyameke Armah, Matthew Dadzie, popularly known as General Obey, expressed gratitude to the residents of Sekondi for their support.

He emphasized that the streetlight restoration initiative was a core campaign promise of Lawyer Blay, who is determined to fulfill all his commitments to make Sekondi work again.

Story by Nana Fynn@W/R..


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