Moble Money Vendor And Black Marketer Shot Dead By Armed Robbery At Nkrankwanta

Armed robbers shot a black marketer who doubles as mobile money vendor to dead at Nkrankwanta,Dormaa west in the Bono region.

Mr Japheth in his early 30s has meet his untimely death after an unknown armed men shot him around 5:30 pm at his shop near nkrankwanta lorry station in Dormaa west.

According to report, people around his shop saw men went there to exchange their CFA and later heard a gun shot of which people around the area dismayed which so they all run away later found his timely death.

Police has intervene pending for further investigation and the body also currently at Nkrankwanta district hospital.

Call Police Commander Dormaa west ,DSP Asante Debrah (0244469888)

Assembly Member Hon KBY(0242958634)

Cue for pictures of the Incidences.

Filed by Kwaku Champion Nsoromma FM.

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